The majority of private health insurance funds will reimburse approximately $300 for childbirth education classes.
Group Classes
The Birth Better HypnoBirthing course is structured as a 5 week program to enable families to consolidate their learning before new techniques are introduced.
Weekly sessions run for 2 ½-3 hours, allowing ample time to mingle (in a Covid safe manner) with other like-minded birthing families.
Maximum of 4 couples (a birthing person and their chosen birthing companion) per class.
Cost: $695
Location: North Warrandyte Family Centre
Private Classes
Private classes are available upon request, simply contact Melissa on 0413 190 756.
Cost: $1195
Location: Can be conducted in the comfort of your own home, via Zoom or at the North Warrandyte Family Centre.
Refresher course
A refresher program is available if you have previously completed a HypnoBirthing International course and would like to refresh your hypnotherapy skills.
Individualised support to repack your labour toolkit.
Classes will be held at the North Warrandyte Family Centre.
Address: 184 Research-Warrandyte Road North Warrandyte
Convenient free parking available at the venue.
Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner Body Balancing sessions
This unique pregnancy service will be available from the end of February 2022
This restorative body balancing session incorporates advanced bodywork techniques including fascial releases to address pregnancy discomfort and create space within the pelvis to optimise the position of your baby in preparation for an uncomplicated labour and birth. Melissa is currently the only midwife in Melbourne certified as a Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner.